Vienna of the First Half of the XIX Century through the Eyes of Travelling Narrators
Loshakova Galina Alexandrovna, Smirnova Lyudmila Evgenievna
Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I. N. Ulyanov
State Institute of the Russian Language named after A. S. Pushkin
Submitted: 02.10.2022
Abstract. The study aims to discover the similarities and differences in the perception of Vienna by travelling narrators in travelogues by Adalbert Stifter, Charles Sealsfield, Heinrich Laube dedicated to the metropolitan city of Vienna. There are a huge number of works dedicated to Vienna, the capital of Austria, a metropolitan city, one of the centers of culture. The works of the selected authors form the tradition of the “urban Viennese text”. Many basic topoi are formed in the discourse. Among the authors are the mentioned writers of the Restoration period in Germany and Austria. They present the travelling narrators who first arrived in the capital to the reader in their travelogues. The study is novel in that it is the first to include German-speaking authors who differ significantly in their individual styles in one literary series. The factor of the writers belonging to the same historical epoch, Restoration, and to the same Biedermeier literary school was chosen as the basis for the inclusion. It is the first time that the attention of literary researchers has been drawn to the literary specifics of Heinrich Laube’s “Travel Novellas” (1847). The results of a literary overview of the travelogues have shown that there is a significant difference in the narrators’ perception of Vienna. A. Stifter’s narrator notices the hustle and bustle. St. Stephen’s Cathedral is tragically interpreted by him as a symbol of death. Ch. Sealsfield’s Vienna is a city of imperial absolutism. H. Laube brings the reader back to the traditional idea of Vienna as a city of levity and fun. The iconic figure of Metternich evokes respect from the narrator.
Key words and phrases: образ Вены, городской текст, рассказчик-путешественник, фланёр, сравнительно-сопоставительный анализ, image of Vienna, urban text, travelling narrator, flaneur, comparative analysis
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