Assimilation of the Borrowing “Network” and “Networking” in the Oral and Professional Discourse of Monolinguals and Bilinguals
Karaulova Amina Danilovna, Klimentev Ruslan Aleksandrovich
Astrakhan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Astrakhan Technical Lyceum
Submitted: 10.08.2022
Abstract. The study of an Anglicism was carried out in order to confirm or refute the hypothesis about the difference in its usage in the Russian-language discourse of monolinguals and bilinguals of different age and professional groups of the Astrakhan region. Scientific novelty of the paper can be traced in the fact that it presents the first study of a new unit borrowed on the territory of the Astrakhan region, taking into account such relevant factors in language as gender, respondents’ monolingualism and bilingualism, age, the scope of the main social interaction. During the experiment, the researchers have obtained the results that confirm the differences in the perception of the borrowing by various groups of respondents depending on the factors listed above.
Key words and phrases: дискурс, монолингвы, билингвы, ассимиляция, заимствование, discourse, monolinguals, bilinguals, assimilation, borrowing
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