Comparing Structural Properties of Linguistic Landscapes in China and Russia
Liu Lifen, Pi Yuanzhuo
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies; Heilongjiang University
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
Submitted: 15.11.2021
Abstract. The research aims to identify similarities and differences in structural properties of information and indication signs belonging to the linguistic landscapes in China and Russia. Scientific novelty of the paper lies in the fact that it presents an experience of carrying out a comparative analysis of the informative and indicative linguistic landscapes in China and Russia. The main research findings are as follows: four types of means are used in the informative and indicative linguistic landscapes of both countries: pure text, pure symbols, combination of text and symbols and domain names. In both China and Russia, pure text is the most typical and predominant type of means, followed by the "text + symbols" model and domain names. There are certain established traditions, when it comes to the use of these tools in the compared linguistic landscapes, between which there are similarities and differences alike.
Key words and phrases: языковой ландшафт, ономастика, сопоставительное исследование русских и китайских эргонимов, сопоставительная лингвокультурология, linguistic landscape, onomastics, comparative study of Russian and Chinese ergonyms, comparative linguocultural studies
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