Metaphor in Harper Lee’s Novel "Go Set a Watchman": Semantic Aspect and Translation
Kurbanova Aygul Ilshatovna, Murtazina Dilyara Akhnafovna
Kazan Innovative University named after V. G. Timiryasov
Nizhnekamsk Institute of Chemical Technology (branch of KNRTU)
Submitted: 17.11.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to carry out a comparative analysis and systematize semantic features of metaphor in Harper Lee’s novel "Go Set a Watchman" and its translation into the Russian language. The article addresses metaphor as a stylistic means of creating imagery in speech and gives information about metaphor distribution by the spheres of metaphoric transfer in the novel and its translation. The scientific originality of the research consists in a complex comparative study of semantic features of metaphor by the material of Harper Lee’s novel "Go Set a Watchman" and its translation into the Russian language. As a result, the research has systematized and compared the spheres of metaphoric transfer in the novel and its translation into the Russian language.
Key words and phrases: сфера метафорического переноса, антропоморфная метафора, природоморфная метафора, социоморфная метафора, артефактная метафора, sphere of metaphoric transfer, anthropomorphic metaphor, nature-morphic metaphor, sociomorphic metaphor, artifact metaphor
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