Paroemias with Agioanthroponym Component in Spanish as an Element of Linguocultural Worldview
Zakharova Liudmila Borisovna, Zakharova Elena Valerievna
Samara State Technical University
Moscow State Pedagogical University
Submitted: 18.11.2021
Abstract. The aim of the research is to analyse the linguocultural characteristics of paroemias with hagioanthroponyms. The article defines the notion of "paroemia", its types, studies the problem of onomastic status and characteristics of hagioanthroponyms (in the Russian and Spanish languages). The scientific originality lies in the applied approach of considering a wide range of paroemiological units with an agioanthroponym component, which makes it possible to ascertain their origin, connotations and transformations. As a result, it has been proved that the characteristics of hagioanthroponyms are a three-component structure, the presence of one referent, precedence (superpersonal character), as well as the significance of the referent for linguistic culture.
Key words and phrases: паремии, агионимы, агиоантропонимы, лингвокультура, лингвокультурная картина мира, paroemia, hagionyms, agioanthroponyms, linguoculture, linguocultural worldview
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