Concept Maps as a Method of Cognitive Learning in Foreign Language Classes in High School
Shmaraeva Anastasia Aleksandrovna
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Submitted: 24.08.2021
Abstract. The study aims to identify the didactic potential of concept maps in teaching a foreign language using a cognitive approach. In the article, the author relies on the works of domestic and foreign researchers and substantiates the use of concept maps from the standpoint of cognitive learning. The scientific originality of the research lies in the hypothesis of the possibility of using concept maps for the development of various types of foreign language speech activity. As a result of the study, the connection between the drawing up of concept maps and the effectiveness of the educational activity of students in the study of a foreign language was confirmed.
Key words and phrases: концептуальные карты, когнитивное обучение, когнитивная визуализация, обучение иностранному языку, эффективность обучения, concept maps, cognitive learning, cognitive visualization, teaching a foreign language, learning efficiency
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