Teaching Russian Vocabulary with Subjective Evaluation Suffixes to Chinese Students
Lidina Irina Yurievna, Fedoseev Alexandr Alekseyevich
Baikal State University
Submitted: 11.08.2021
Abstract. The study aims to substantiate the need to create a system of tasks and exercises for teaching foreign Linguistics students to form and use words with suffixes of subjective, emotional-expressive evaluation so that they will be able to convey in an adequate manner their emotions and attitude towards the world around them in accordance with communication situations in Russian, their non-native language. Scientific novelty of the study lies in developing a comprehensive approach to teaching foreigners to master Russian colloquial emotional-evaluative vocabulary with subjective evaluation suffixes, using dictionary sources that contain lexical material from the modern everyday sphere of communication. The paper discusses the need for a systematic approach to the presentation of subjective evaluation suffixes and word forms derived with their help in textbooks and study guides on Russian as a foreign language, provides the results of analysing the reasons for foreign students’ lack of proficiency in this language and speech material, shows the need for a consistent and systematic approach to teaching Russian colloquial emotional-evaluative vocabulary to foreign students, suggests ways to solve this issue.
Key words and phrases: суффиксы субъективной оценки, разговорная эмоционально-оценочная лексика, ситуация общения, неофициальная коммуникация, обучение китайских студентов, subjective evaluation suffixes, colloquial emotional-evaluative vocabulary, communication situation, informal communication, teaching Chinese students
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