Typological Peculiarities of Teaching the German Phonetics in the Tatar-Speaking Audience
Sibgatullina Alfiya Ashrafullovna
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Elabuga Institute
Submitted: 19.06.2021
Abstract. Relying on a typological analysis of the German and Tatar phonological systems, the author proposes methodological recommendations on teaching the German pronunciation in the Tatar-speaking audience. The article reveals the potential of the comparative-contrastive method in teaching a foreign language, provides a comparative-typological analysis of the German and Tatar languages, compares the German and Tatar vowel systems. Scientific originality of the study involves developing a system of exercises aimed to form the Tatar-speaking learners’ German-language phonetic competence. The research findings are as follows: the author introduces a classification of phonetic exercises (exercises to develop auditory skills, exercises to develop pronunciation skills, exercises to develop rhythmic-prosodic skills), identifies linguistic and psychological components of phonetic training.
Key words and phrases: принцип учёта родного языка, сравнительно-сопоставительный метод, фонологическая система языка, немецкий язык, татарский язык, principle of considering native language, comparative-contrastive method, phonological system of language, German language, Tatar language
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