Participation of Euphemisms in Textual Modality Formation (by the Example of the English Language)
Kutinova Elena Viktorovna
Moscow Region State University
Submitted: 12.07.2021
Abstract. The research objectives are as follows: to identify a newly acquired function of euphemisms, to reveal euphemisms role in textual modality formation. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that euphemisms are for the first time considered as lexical units forming textual modality. The paper analyses fragments of the English-language journalistic texts. The research findings are as follows: the author shows that in the analysed fragments, journalists actively use modal words and euphemisms to create textual modality. Euphemisms describe the author’s attitude to a problem, participate in textual modality formation together with modal words.
Key words and phrases: эвфемизмы, текст, модальные характеристики, сегменты текста, публицистический текст, модальные слова, euphemisms, text, modal characteristics, text fragments, publicistic text
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