Mastering Abstracting Means in Russian as a Foreign Language Classes (Scientific Style of Speech): By the Example of Teaching How to Write an Abstract
Sitsyna-Kudryavtseva Alevtina Nikolaevna
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)
Submitted: 11.04.2021
Abstract. The work aims to reveal relationship between foreign students’ level of proficiency in abstracting means of the Russian language and their ability to create well-written scientific texts. The study examines the teaching techniques used in Russian as a foreign language classes (scientific style of speech) which allow students to acquire the skill of creating secondary scientific texts. The paper is novel in that the researcher has proposed an algorithm which makes it possible for foreign students to develop the ability to compose well-penned scientific texts. As a result of the study, the researcher has formulated the main methodological principles guided by which it is possible for foreign students to successfully master the skills of creating well-written scientific texts.
Key words and phrases: реферативная форма, реферативные средства русского языка, научный текст, научные жанры, письменный текст, abstract form, abstracting means of the Russian language, scientific text, scientific genres, written text
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