Types of Phraseological Unit Transformations in the English and Russian Languages (According to A. V. Kunin’s Classification)
Mirgalimova Liliia Marselevna
Kazan Law Institute
Submitted: 16.03.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to classify types of phraseological unit transformations in the English and Russian languages relying on A. V. Kunin’s theory of stability. The article provides examples of transformed phraseological units, systematizes types of phraseological unit transformations relying on A. V. Kunin’s classification. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that phraseological unit transformations in the English and Russian languages are classified on the basis of A. V. Kunin’s theory. As a result, types of phraseological unit transformations in the English and Russian languages are identified. Each type is then subdivided into subtypes - six subtypes in the English language and five subtypes in the Russian language.
Key words and phrases: фразеологическая единица, классификация уровней устойчивости фразеологических единиц А. В. Кунина, фразеологическая устойчивость, трансформация фразеологической единицы, phraseological unit, A. V. Kunin’s theory of stability, phraseological stability, phraseological unit transformation
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