Language and Cultural Identity of Phraseological Units with Proper Names in the Italian Publicistic Discourse
Shapovalova Elena Olegovna
Chelyabinsk State University
Submitted: 05.05.2021
Abstract. The article aims to reveal language and cultural identity of phraseological units with proper names in the Italian publicistic discourse. Precedence of proper names in the structure of phraseological units is considered as a basis of their language and cultural identity. The paper has interdisciplinary nature; it is written at the junction of linguo-culturology and phraseology. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the author examines a narrow group of phraseological units - phraseological units with proper names. The research findings are as follows: the author classifies proper names that determine language and cultural specificity of publicistic texts, identifies components of language and cultural identity of the phraseological units under study.
Key words and phrases: лингвокультурная идентичность, фразеологизм, имя собственное, прецедентность, публицистический стиль, language and cultural identity, phraseological unit, proper name, precedence, publicistic style
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