Functional Features of Borrowings in the Czech and Russian Languages (by the Material of Newly Appeared Lexical Units)
Cherchuk Olga Igorevna
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Submitted: 16.03.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to identify the basic functions of newly borrowed words in the Czech and Russian languages. Following previous researchers, the author distinguishes nominative and expressive-stylistic functions of borrowings and examines newly borrowed words relying on the Neomat corpus data, Google and Seznam search statistics. Scientific originality of the study is conditioned by the fact that the problem of borrowings functioning in modern languages remains poorly investigated and also by the fact that the author applies the comparative approach in studying borrowed words functions in the Czech and Russian languages. The research findings are as follows: relying on an analysis of the linguistic material, the author reveals the basic functions of borrowings in the Czech and Russian languages. The conducted research allows identifying modern trends of the languages development.
Key words and phrases: чешский язык, русский язык, заимствования, функции заимствований, Czech language, Russian language, borrowings, functions of borrowings
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