Productive Word-Formation Models in Youth Vocabulary of the German and Russian Languages
Guseva Marina Igorevna, Zaglyadkina Tatyana Yakovlevna
Kazan Federal University
Submitted: 14.01.2021
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to identify the most productive word-formation models in youth vocabulary of the German and Russian languages. The article considers such productive models of word-formation as derivation, compounding and abbreviation. The issue of defining the notions "youth language", "slang", "jargon", "argot" remains a debatable one. Scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that by means of an analysis, the authors have determined the formation method of youth vocabulary of German and Russian (affixal word-formation). The attained results have shown that abbreviation is the most productive word-formation model in the Russian language in the comparative aspect. As for German, this model of word-formation is the least productive.
Key words and phrases: арго, жаргон, сленг, молодежная лексика, коммуникация, argot, jargon, slang, youth vocabulary, communication
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