Features of Naming Weather Phenomenon "Rain" in the English and Tatar Languages
Khairullina Dinara Dilshatovna, Gilyazeva Emma Nikolaevna, Bazarova Liliya Vyazirovna
Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Submitted: 28.01.2021
Abstract. The study aims to identify features of semantics and functioning of the lexemes denoting the weather phenomenon "rain" in the English and Tatar languages. Scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that this lexical layer is for the first time considered in the comparative-contrastive aspect in the typologically and genetically unrelated languages with different systems. As a result, it is proved that naming units for rain are not only more numerous and more vividly represented in the English language but are also perceived more negatively than in the Tatar language, which may be due to specific national perception of rain, geographical position, natural and climatic conditions of the country.
Key words and phrases: номинации дождя, компонентный анализ, сема, английский язык, татарский язык, naming units for rain, componential analysis, seme, English language, Tatar language
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