Conversive Structures in the System of the French Adjective Predicates of Relation
Khutoretskaya Olga Alexandrovna, Kirichenko Maria Alexandrovna
St Petersburg University
Submitted: 08.09.2020
Abstract. The paper analyses the ability of certain French adjectives to transfer multidirectional relations in the adjective-nominal construction with an adjective as the core component. The research objectives are as follows: to describe possible conversive diatheses of the French adjective predicates of relation, to develop a typology of these conversives relying on a lexico-semantic and actant analysis. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the French governing adjective is considered as a predicate with a certain set of semantic actants that determine the number of syntactic positions and their syntactic realizations in surface syntactic structures. As a result, two fundamentally different types of intentional conversion of the French adjective predicates of relation are identified.
Key words and phrases: адъективный предикат, интенциональная конверсия, семантический актант, диатеза, adjective predicate, intentional conversion, semantic actant, diathesis
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