Country-Specific Units Reflecting Socio-Political System of the USA
Aitov Valery Fakilievich, Rakhmanova Irina Yurievna
M. Akmulla Bashkir State Pedagogical University
Bashkir State University, Birsk Branch
Submitted: 29.01.2021
Abstract. The study aims to identify linguistic and ethnic specifics peculiar to translation of new country-specific units (realia) of the socio-political system of the USA and their expanded meanings within the framework of the English-language discourse. Scientific novelty of the work lies in taking a multifaceted approach to studying modern realia of the socio-political system that have recently appeared in the American vocabulary and to ways of translating new meanings of previously known realia with regard to certain features of pragmatics, semantics, morphology, political correctness. As a result, the researchers have identified culturological and functional-semantic specifics of modern realia belonging to socio-political vocabulary of the USA, collected new data on expanded semantics of the realia at the current stage of the American society development.
Key words and phrases: национально-маркированные единицы, лингвоэтническая специфика перевода, англоязычный дискурс, country-specific units, linguistic and ethnic specifics of translation, English-language discourse
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