Linguo-Didactic Potential of Infographic Texts when Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language to Distant Learners
Pylkova Anna Aleksandrovna
Pacific National University
Submitted: 03.11.2021
Abstract. The paper reveals linguo-didactic potential of infographic texts when teaching Russian as a foreign language to distant learners. The article examines the advantages of using infographics when teaching Russian to foreign students. Scientific originality of the study involves a comprehensive approach to the use of infographics as a means of educational material visualization in a mixed level class under the conditions of distant Russian language learning. The research findings are as follows: the author justifies the efficiency of using different types of infographic texts at different stages of teaching Russian as a foreign language, special attention is paid to the specificity of distance learning.
Key words and phrases: русский язык как иностранный, инфографика, инфографические тексты, дистанционное обучение, Russian as a foreign language, infographics, infographic texts, distance learning
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