Archaisms in English-Language Diplomatic Correspondence
Shaglanova Elena Andreevna, Bulanova Marfa Nikolaevna
Buryat State University named after Dorzhi Banzarov
Submitted: 04.11.2021
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to determine the peculiarities of the use of archaisms in diplomatic correspondence, drawing on the example of diplomatic letters in English. The paper considers the notion of archaisms, their difference from historical terms, functions they perform in different styles of language and also provides the main characteristics of diplomatic correspondence. The study is novel in that it attempts to analyse the use of archaisms in diplomatic correspondence, to identify their features, as well as to clarify their functions. As a result, it has been found that archaisms are an integral part of diplomatic letters performing a terminological function in order to comply with the norms and requirements of the protocol of international relations.
Key words and phrases: архаизмы, историзмы, дипломатическая корреспонденция, терминологическая функция, политкорректность, archaisms, historical terms, diplomatic correspondence, terminological function, political correctness
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