Stable Word Complexes with the Kopf Component in Modern German (on the Relationship between Lexis and Phraseology)
Gutarova Aleksandra Viktorovna
Kazan Innovative University named after V. G. Timiryasov (IEML)
Submitted: 07.11.2021
Abstract. The purpose of the paper is to prove the real connection between lexis and phraseology, the formation of the meaning of a phraseological unit based on the meaning of its components and the idea that the meaning of its components includes the meaning of the entire phraseological unit. Scientific novelty of the paper lies in studying German stable word complexes with the Kopf element in order to identify the relationship between lexis and phraseology. As a result, the researcher proves that there is a semantic correlation between phraseological units with the Kopf component and a certain seme of the word Kopf considered in the direct nominative meaning and sheds light on the potential for further research in this area.
Key words and phrases: фразеологическая единица, десемантизация, двунаправленность, семантическая близость, семантическая структура, phraseological unit, desemantisation, bidirectionality, semantic similarity, semantic structure
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