Comparative Analysis of Adverbs of Simultaneity in the English and Tatar Languages
Lutfullina Gulnara Firdavisovna
Kazan State Power Engineering University
Submitted: 14.09.2021
Abstract. The paper is devoted to analysing the functioning of adverbs with the temporal semantics of simultaneity in the English and Tatar languages. The purpose of the paper is to identify allomorphic and isomorphic features in the functioning of adverbs as lexical means for expressing simultaneity. The study is novel in that it is the first to identify semantic correlative adverbs with the semantics of simultaneity in the English and Tatar languages at the same time considering variability of their meanings. As a result, it has been proved that the indicator of isomorphism of the two languages is adverbs representing the same meanings: simultaneity, jointness of two actions and coincidence with a moment of time. Allomorphism lies in the fact that there are more adverbs in English than in Tatar. Indicators of the frequency of functioning peculiar to equivalent adverbs differ in English and Tatar.
Key words and phrases: одновременность, тонкальная референциальная точка, нонкальная референциальная точка, наречия, simultaneity, tunc referential point, nunc referential point, adverbs
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