Toponymicon of the Crimean Tatar Folk Songs: Thematic and Word-Formative Aspects
Khalilaeva Sabina Nazimovna
Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University named after Fevzi Yakubov
Submitted: 29.10.2020
Abstract. The paper provides a semantic and word-formative analysis of the toponyms identified in the Crimean Tatar folk songs. Distribution area of the toponymic vocabulary under consideration is ascertained. The researcher’s attention is focused on toponyms of the Crimean Peninsula. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that toponymic vocabulary is for the first time examined by the material of the Crimean Tatar folk songs. The conducted analysis allows concluding that toponyms in the Crimean Tatar folk songs are mostly of the Turkic origin. Among the most frequent word-formative models the author mentions stem-composition and word-composition.
Key words and phrases: топоним, крымскотатарские народные песни, фольклор, семантическая группа, словообразовательная модель, toponym, Crimean Tatar folk songs, folklore, semantic group, word-formative model
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