Means to Indicate Feminine Gender of Person in the English and Tatar Languages
Lutfullina Gulnara Firdavisovna, Zamalutdinova Elmira Rafailovna
Kazan State Power Engineering University
Submitted: 11.11.2020
Abstract. The paper aims to identify and classify means of gender representation in the English and Tatar languages. Scientific originality of the research lies in the fact that the means to indicate the feminine gender of a person in the languages under study are for the first time considered in the comparative-contrastive aspect. The following conclusions are justified: in both the languages, the gender category is generally represented by lexical units with the semes of human being and gender; in the English language, these lexical units are placed before the personal name, and in the Tatar language - after it. The English language has a wider range of feminine suffixes in comparison with the Tatar one. In both the languages, kinship terms are gender-marked at the lexical level.
Key words and phrases: морфологические средства, категория рода, наименования лица, суффиксы феминизации, morphological means, gender category, personal names, feminine suffixes
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