Linguo-Stylistic Peculiarities of Personage’s Viewpoint Representation in Film Texts (by the Material of Graham Greene’s Novel "The End of the Affair")
Mikhailovskaya Ekaterina Vladimirovna, Rybachok Anastasia Yuryevna
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Submitted: 18.06.2020
Abstract. The article examines linguo-stylistic mechanisms of the film text development. The research objective is to identify and classify the linguistic means representing a personage’s viewpoint in a film text. Scientific originality of the paper involves revealing the key role of text features (lexical, morphological, syntactic, phono-stylistic) in formation of a viewpoint as a basic component of the cinematic effect. The study focuses on analysing the key episode of Graham Greene’s novel "The End of the Affair". The conducted research allows concluding that in the film text, suspense effect is achieved by compositional-syntactic, syntactic, morphological, lexical and phono-stylistic means.
Key words and phrases: кинематографическая проза, языковые средства выражения точки зрения, лингвостилистические средства, эффект "саспенс", film scripts, linguistic means to express viewpoint, linguo-stylistic means, suspense effect
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