Structural and Compositional Analysis of the German, English and Russian Everyday Anecdote as an Element of Humorous Dialogical Discourse
Tyukina Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, Babayan Vladimir Nikolayevich
Yaroslavl State Technical University
Yaroslavl Higher Military Institute of the Air Defense of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Submitted: 20.07.2020
Abstract. The paper aims to reveal a structural and compositional model of the small folklore genre "anecdote" in the Russian, German and English linguo-cultures. The article examines anecdotes belonging to the dialogical discourse genre. The authors provide a structural and compositional analysis of the Russian, German and English anecdotes taking into account introductory phrases. Scientific originality of the study involves identifying typical features of the Russian, German and English everyday anecdote as an element of the humorous dialogical discourse. The conducted research allows revealing common and differential features of the anecdote introductory phrases in the analysed linguo-cultures.
Key words and phrases: юмористический диалогический дискурс, бытовой анекдот, фольклорный анекдот, структурно-композиционный анализ, humorous dialogical discourse, everyday anecdote, folkloric anecdote, structural and compositional analysis
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