Medical Discourse as Research Area of Text Linguistics (by the Example of the Terms "Abortion", "Amblosis" Use in Obstetricians-Gynaecologists’ Oral and Written Speech)
Statsenko Alla Nikolaevna, Samokhina Olga Viktorovna, Popova Veronika Viktorovna
Volgograd State Medical University
Submitted: 29.05.2020
Abstract. The paper aims to identify specificity of using medical terminology, in particular, the terms "abortion" and "amblosis" in oral and written medical discourse of obstetricians-gynaecologists and their patients. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the authors analyse obstetricians-gynaecologists’ use of medical terminology when inquiring a patient and filling out medical forms. The research findings are as follows: the authors show that the highly specialized term "abortion" is often substituted by its colloquial synonym "amblosis", which correlates with modern tendencies of the Russian language development. The conclusions are made about the necessity to be careful with medical terminology.
Key words and phrases: медицинский дискурс, медицинская терминология, диалог врача и пациента, термин "аборт", термин "выкидыш", культура речи, medical discourse, medical terminology, dialogue between doctor and patient, term "abortion", term "amblosis", speech culture
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