Abstract. The research objectives are as follows: to examine the basic problems of teaching Iranian students to express object-predicate relations in Russian sentences with reflexive verbs of emotions in the predicate position, to suggest possible solutions to the difficulties that arise. The article describes structural-semantic peculiarities of Russian sentences with reflexive verbs of emotions in the predicate position, analyses specificity of their lexical compatibility, forms of government and difficulties experienced by Persian-speaking students in studying them. The authors have developed a set of exercises aimed to overcome these difficulties and to perfect Persian-speaking students’ skills in using Russian reflexive verbs of emotions. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the authors propose a set of exercises aimed to overcome Persian-speaking students’ difficulties in studying Russian reflexive verbs of emotions. The research findings are as follows: the authors justify efficiency of the conscious-comparative method when teaching Russian sentences with reflexive verbs of emotions to Iranian students.
Key words and phrases: персоговорящие студенты, русский язык как иностранный, возвратные глаголы эмоций, предикатно-объектные отношения, комплекс упражнений, Persian-speaking students, Russian as a foreign language, reflexive verbs of emotions, object-predicate relations, set of exercises
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