Lexico-Semantic Means to Evaluate the Ukrainian Conflict in the German Political Discourse
Putilina Ludmila Vasilevna, Salnikov Mikhail Ivanovich
Orenburg State University
Submitted: 02.06.2020
Abstract. The paper aims to identify lexico-semantic evaluative means in the German political discourse and to reveal the basic tendencies in their usage. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that lexico-semantic evaluative means of the German language are analysed by the material of the political discourse on the Ukrainian conflict. The article examines the notions "political discourse", "lexico-semantic analysis", "evaluativity". Relying on the analysis of the German-language political texts, the authors describe neutral, emotional and figurative evaluative means and conclude that the German political media space negatively evaluates the Ukrainian events.
Key words and phrases: политический дискурс Германии, лексико-семантический анализ, нейтральные оценочные средства, эмотивные оценочные средства, образные оценочные средства, German political discourse, lexico-semantic analysis, neutral evaluative means, emotional evaluative means, figurative evaluative means
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