Transformation of Theomachist Motives in Symbolist Poetry (K. D. Balmont, F. K. Sologub, A. I. Tokaev)
Khetagurova Dzerassa Kazbekovna
Research Department "Scythian-Alan Research Center" of Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Submitted: 19.05.2020
Abstract. The article examines specificity of the theomachist motive representation in creative work of the Russian "elder" symbolists K. D. Balmont, F. K. Sologub and the Ossetian poet of the early XX century A. I. Tokaev. The research objectives are as follows: to trace transformation of the theomachist motive in the poets’ lyrical works, to describe their approaches to overcoming confrontation of the mankind and the Creator. The research findings are as follows: the researcher reveals specificity of the lyrical heroes’ images that most clearly represent rebellious pathos, specifies the poets’ approaches to solving the theomachism problem: Balmont - convergence of everything, convergence of contradictory notions; Sologub - a hero-demiurge creates imaginary worlds; Tokaev - self-sacrifice for the sake of the native people - replacing the God, a lyrical hero seeks to save the humanity. Scientific originality of the study is conditioned by the fact that the researcher for the first time analyses representation of theomachist motives in the Russian and Ossetian symbolist poetry, and also by the fact that A. I. Tokaev’s Russian-language poetry has not been previously investigated.
Key words and phrases: богоборчество, Сверхчеловек, русский символизм, декадентство, лирика, лирический герой, К. Д. Бальмонт, Ф. К. Сологуб, А. И. Токаев, theomachy, superman, Russian symbolism, decadence, lyrics, lyrical hero, K. D. Balmont, F. K. Sologub, A. I. Tokaev
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