Military Students’ Foreign-Language Competence as Component of Professional Readiness
Votintseva Marina Vladimirovna, Shvarts Natal'ya Viktorovna
Far East Higher Combined Arms Command Military Zhukov’s order School named after Soviet Union Marshal K. K. Rokossovsky
Submitted: 10.02.2020
Abstract. The article describes results of experimental work on formation of future officers’ professional readiness in the process of foreign language teaching. The paper aims to identify and justify the role of foreign language teaching in formation of military students’ professional readiness. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the authors justify conclusively the important role of the discipline "Foreign Language" in formation of military students’ professional readiness. The results acquired during approbation of the authors’ original methodology of teaching foreign language to military students justify the thesis that foreign-language competence is an integral component of military students’ professional readiness.
Key words and phrases: обучение иностранному языку, обучение курсантов иностранному языку в военном вузе, готовность к профессиональной деятельности, формирование готовности к профессиональной деятельности будущих офицеров, возможности дисциплины "Иностранный язык", foreign language teaching, teaching foreign language to military students, professional readiness, forming future officers’ professional readiness, potential of the discipline "Foreign Language"
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