Comparative Analysis of Disagreement Expression Means in the English and Spanish Languages (by the Material of the Novel "The Dollmaker of Krakow" by Rachel Romero)
Deputatova Natal'ya Anatol'evna, Shangaraeva Liya Faridovna, Akimova Ol'ga Valer'evna
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Submitted: 17.12.2019
Abstract. The article aims to identify and systematize sematic and pragmatic characteristics of initial replicas of disagreement in the English and Spanish languages and to examine the meaningful aspect of replicas of disagreement in the communicative situation. For the first time the authors present the sematic and pragmatic analysis of direct and indirect speech acts of disagreement in the English and Spanish languages using examples of fiction. The findings indicate that in most cases you can hear direct initial replicas in the English speech acts of disagreement; the Spaniards use both direct and indirect speech acts of disagreement.
Key words and phrases: речевые акты несогласия, прямые речевые акты, косвенные речевые акты, ответная реплика, диалогическое единство, говорящий, адресат, speech acts of disagreement, direct speech acts, indirect speech acts, response replica, dialogical unity, speaker, addressee
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