Peculiarities of Idiomatic Construction Translation from English into Russian and from Russian into English
Pivkin Sergey Dmitrievich, Semionova Lubov’ Valentinovna
Russian Customs Academy
Saint Petersburg State Marine Technical University
Submitted: 26.09.2020
Abstract. The research objectives are as follows: to reveal semantic filling of idiomatic constructions and to identify peculiarities of their translation from English into Russian and from Russian into English. The article considers certain aspects of the translation theory, tackles the problem of semantic equivalence when translating idiomatic expressions from English into Russian. Scientific originality of the study involves a new approach to interpreting idioms, which allows revealing implicit cultural meanings. The findings are of practical value, they can be used for educational purposes, as well as for a comparative linguo-cultural study of the English and Russian clich?s and speech formulae.
Key words and phrases: идиомы, речевая формула, речевой шаблон, разговорные формулы, перевод, idioms, speech formula, clich?, conversational formulae, translation
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