Role of Associative Experiment in Examination of Visual Advertising
Nikaeva Tatyana Mikhailovna, Danilova Tuyara Anatolyevna
North-Eastern Federal University named after M. K. Ammosov
Submitted: 24.09.2020
Abstract. The article presents results of a psycholinguistic experiment on perception of visual advertising. The research objective is to identify violations of the advertising legislation using linguistic and psycholinguistic methods. Respondents were asked to put down their immediate responses to stimuli - advertising images and texts from the "Instagram" social network. Scientific originality of the paper lies in the fact that the free associations method is for the first time applied to identify violations of the advertising legislation. The research findings are as follows: the authors prove that the advertising materials under study contain features of inappropriate advertising.
Key words and phrases: психолингвистический эксперимент, ненадлежащая реклама, восприятие визуальной рекламы, семантический анализ ассоциативных реакций, psycholinguistic experiment, inappropriate advertising, perception of visual advertising, semantic analysis of associative reactions
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