Secondary Nominations in the American Prison Slang (Onomasiological Aspect)
Vorobyova Yelena Nikolayevna, Trifanova Svetlana Sergeevna
Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia
Submitted: 21.09.2020
Abstract. The research objective is to systematize semantic types of metaphorical and metonymic transfers taking into account the existing domestic classifications. The study is conducted by the material of the American prison slang and is based on the onomasiological approach. Scientific originality of the paper lies in the fact that the authors for the first time provide an onomasiological analysis of secondary nominations in the American prison slang. The research findings are as follows: the authors identify types of metaphorical and metonymic transfers, reveal peculiarities of figurative nominations and justify the thesis that metaphorization and metonymization are important means to actualize the subcultural component of the analysed sociolect and to replenish its substandard lexical-phraseological system.
Key words and phrases: американский тюремный жаргон, ономасиология, вторичная номинация, метафора, метонимия, American prison slang, onomasiology, secondary nomination, metaphor, metonymy
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