Past Participle Functioning in Texts of the Tatar Periodicals of the Early XX Century
Minnullin Bakhtiyar Kimovitch
G. Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature and Art of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
Submitted: 16.09.2020
Abstract. The paper considers the problem of functioning of Past Participle, one of the most frequent non-personal verb forms, in journalistic texts of the early XX century written in the Tatar language using the Arabic script. Scientific originality of the research is conditioned by the fact that for the first time in the Tatar linguistics, within the framework of studying grammatical peculiarities of the Tatar journalistic texts of the inter-revolutionary period (1905-1917), the author examines functioning of Past Participle by the example of "Борхане таракки", "Вакыт" and "Кояш" newspapers. The conducted analysis allows concluding that newspaper texts under study contain Past Participle forms on - ?an (the modern Tatar -ган) typical of the Kipchak language, as well as Past Participle forms typical of the Oghuz languages.
Key words and phrases: старотатарский литературный язык, татарская периодическая печать, язык газеты, грамматическая система, формы причастия прошедшего времени, Old Tatar literary language, Tatar periodicals, newspaper language, grammatical system, Past Participle forms
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