Linguistic Representation of the Macro-Concept TRINITY (by the Material of the Russian and English Bible Versions)
Pashkov Sergei Mikhailovich
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (Branch) in Volkhov
Submitted: 09.12.2019
Abstract. The article aims to identify and analyse linguistic representatives of the religious macro-concept TRINITY in the Russian and English linguo-cultures. Originality of the study involves a linguistic analysis of the fundamental Christian dogma of the hypostatic union by the material of the English and Russian biblical texts. The research findings have allowed the author to trace dynamics of the analysed macro-concept, to identify its structural and meaningful characteristics, to reveal specificity of its representation in the compared linguo-cultures and to outline prospects for further studies of the Christian dogmatics from the linguistic viewpoint.
Key words and phrases: Библия, Троица, Лицо, Имя, лингвокультурный макроконцепт, динамика концепта, религиозный дискурс, Bible, Trinity, Hypostasis, Name, linguo-cultural macro-concept, concept dynamics, religious discourse
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