Means of Expressing Emotions in the Modern British Literature: Lexical and Grammatical Aspects (by the Example of J. Moyes’s Novel "Me before you")
Pushkina Anna Vladimirovna, Amirumova Viktoriya Aleksandrovna, Krivoshlykova Lyudmila Vladimirovna
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Submitted: 26.11.2019
Abstract. The study aims to identify lexical and grammatical means of expressing emotions in J. Moyes’s novel "Me before you". Relevance of the paper is conditioned by the fact that the problem of emotion representation has not been previously investigated by the material of the modern British literature. Originality of the research lies in the fact that for the first time the authors provide a comprehensive analysis of the means to express emotions in the creative work of the popular British novelist. The findings indicate that in the analysed novel, emotions are most frequently expressed by lexical means.
Key words and phrases: английский язык, эмоции, категория эмоциональности, эмотивность, лексика эмоций, номинации эмоций, британская литература, English language, emotions, category of emotionality, emotivity, emotive vocabulary, nominations of emotions, British literature
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