Modern Contaminants in the German Language at the Crossroads of Cultures and Languages
Kosova Ol’ga Aleksandrovna
Branch of the Far Eastern Federal University (School of Education) in Ussuriysk
Submitted: 28.10.2019
Abstract. The article considers a relevant word-formative tendency in the modern German youth language - contamination. The semantic analysis of modern contaminants in the German language aims to identify donor languages and the peculiarities of this type of word-formation. The findings have allowed concluding that the English language dominates among the donor languages. Special attention is paid to dialecticisms that tend to participate more actively in the word-formative process.
Key words and phrases: когнитивно-коммуникативная потребность, коммуникативная компетенция, неологизация, контаминация, контаминант, диалект, cognitive-communicative need, communicative competence, neologization, contamination, contaminant, dialect
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