Derivational Development of the Borrowed Buddhist Terms in the Buryat Language (by the Material of Affixal Word-Formation)
Budazhapova Larisa Batuevna
Banzarov Buryat State University
Submitted: 02.12.2019
Abstract. The article examines the word-formative potential of the borrowed Buddhist terms in the Buryat language. The researcher considers the problem of influence of the Tibetan Buddhist terms on the formation of the lexical fund of the Buryat language. Assimilation of the borrowed lexemes occurred in different ways, including semantic broadening and word-formative derivativeness. The author concludes that the word-formative model "Tibetan basis + Buryat affix" is the most productive one.
Key words and phrases: заимствования, бурятский язык, буддийские термины, тибетский язык, аффиксальное словообразование, расширение семантического объема, продуктивные суффиксы, borrowings, Buryat language, Buddhist terms, Tibetan language, affixal word-formation, semantic broadening, productive suffixes
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