Motive of the Mirror-World in Literary Tales by L. Carroll and V. Gubarev
Shkurskaya Ekaterina Alekseevna
Kalmyk State University named after B. B. Gorodovikov
Submitted: 13.12.2019
Abstract. The article considers realization of the mirror-world motive in two works of children’s literature - L. Carroll’s tale "Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There" and V. Gubarev’s tale "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors". The paper aims to analyse the mirror-world motive and to identify its interrelation with other motives and images. The researcher shows that both the writers provide a similar interpretation of this motive: mirror appears as a portal to another world, echo inversions are formed, the heroines travel through virtual worlds. Differences include a stronger motive of the heroine’s moral transformation under conditions of the mirror-world in V. Gubarev’s work.
Key words and phrases: зарубежная литература, литературная сказка, зеркало, мотив Зазеркалья, зеркальность, Л. Кэрролл, В. Губарев, foreign literature, literary tale, mirror, mirror-world motive, mirroring, L. Carroll, V. Gubarev
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