Lomonosova Yuliya Evgen'evna, Shcherbinin Andrei Yur'evich
Belgorod State National Research University
Submitted: 22.07.2019
Abstract. The article is devoted to analyzing the linguistic means representing the LONELINESS concept in the French fiction. The cognitive-semantic and contextual analysis has identified the concept’s basic features characteristic for the native French speakers’ cognitive consciousness. The authors discover the specificity of the concept’s figurative component characterized by the high level of abstractness, analyze the peculiarities of the structural space of the investigated conceptual sphere. Special attention is paid to describing the concept’s evaluative zone characterized by the prevalence of negative emotional and hedonistic features.
Key words and phrases: языковая картина мира, художественная картина мира, номинативное поле, эмоциональный концепт, интерпретационное поле, образный компонент, linguistic worldview, artistic worldview, nominative field, emotional concept, interpretational field, figurative component
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