Burtseva Marina Anatol'evna, Vasil'eva Aiyyna Alekseevna
M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University
Submitted: 03.07.2019
Abstract. The article examines the worldview represented in the story by the English author M. Bond "A Spot of Decorating" from the "Paddington Bear" cycle. The worldview in the story includes the categories of internal (the Browns’ house, in which the story events unfold, Paddington’s diary setting the limits of the main personage’s internal chronotope) and external space (the world outside the Browns’ house); closed (Paddington’s room, in which he appears to be locked up) and open space (the same room after the hero is released); perpetual (a long lasting repair) and instant time (situations of disturbance provoked by the hero and preceded by "dull moments", during which scenario of a new adventure is formed).
Key words and phrases: литературная сказка, сюжет, картина мира, хронотоп, пространство, время, М. Бонд, literary tale, story, worldview, chronotope, space, time, M. Bond
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