Ratmanova Anastasiya Aleksandrovna, Denisova Elena Aleksandrovna, Zaglyadkina Tat’yana Yakovlevna
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Submitted: 08.04.2019
Abstract. The article conducts an analysis of the composition of the automobile vocabulary in the German language, the results of which highlight the main trends in its development. The authors reveal the processes of neologization, synonymy, internationalization and Anglicization of the German automobile terminology. In the course of the study, an attempt is made to classify the vocabulary of the presented category according to the identified criteria. The paper describes difficulties of translating the automobile terminology conditioned by specific character that manifests itself at morphological and etymological levels.
Key words and phrases: автомобильная лексика, терминология, перевод, англицизмы, неологизм, синонимия, интернационализмы, немецкий язык, automobile vocabulary, terminology, translation, Anglicisms, neologism, synonymy, internationalisms, German language
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