Kletskaya Svetlana Il’inichna
Southern Federal University
Submitted: 22.04.2019
Abstract. The article substantiates the hypothesis that in V. V. Nabokov’s novel "The Gift", narration is built around a single narrative instance ("storyteller-narrator"), which is formally and grammatically split into the storyteller and the narrator proper. This is confirmed by the real sequence of the storyteller’s and the narrator’s instances occurrence in "The Gift", as well as the structural, thematic and content features of the novel. Taking into account this conclusion, it is suggested to comprehend switching between the storyteller and the narrator in the event-like way as objectification and subjectification of narration.
Key words and phrases: Владимир Набоков, "Дар", нарративная структура, повествователь, рассказчик, Vladimir Nabokov, "The Gift", narrative structure, narrator, storyteller
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