Shamsutdinova Al’bina Ravilevna, Teganyuk Valeriya Viktorovna
Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism
Submitted: 08.04.2019
Abstract. The article analyses the characteristics of Anglicisms in the French language in the French-speaking province of Canada, Quebec. The number of loanwords from the English language in Quebec is many times greater than their number in France. The emergence of Anglicisms in the French language is explained by the need to fill the gaps in the vocabulary of the native language in connection with the development of modern technologies and the emergence of new terms. It is revealed that the spread of loanwords from the English language is promoted by the mass media, especially direct speech, quotations. It is noted that Anglicisms, penetrating the territory of Quebec, are influenced by the grammatical rules of the French language.
Key words and phrases: заимствования, англицизмы, французский эквивалент, лингвистическая политика сохранения родного языка, словарный состав языка, синоним, loanwords, Anglicisms, French equivalent, linguistic policy of preserving native language, language vocabulary, synonym
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