Cherkun Elena Yur’evna, Grigor’eva Svetlana Viktorovna
Buryat State University named after D. Banzarov
Submitted: 11.03.2019
Abstract. The article is devoted to the gender analysis of the linguistic features of the "report" text type in the German press. Main attention is focused on the construction of male and female authors’ gender identity. Gender differences in male and female addressers’ written speech are considered from the point of view of the structural, contextually conditioned and communicative-functional characteristics of the "report" text type. Texts about education problems in the German newspaper "Die Zeit" since 2014 serve as the research material.
Key words and phrases: теория текста, гендерология, тема-рематическое развертывание, структурные, контекстуально-обусловленные, коммуникативно-функциональные признаки, речевые стратегии и тактики, text theory, gender studies, theme-rheme deployment, structural, contextually conditioned, communicative-functional characteristics, speech strategies and tactics
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