Bredikhin Sergei Nikolaevich, Pisklova Marina Vital'evna
North Caucasus Federal University
I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
Submitted: 18.02.2019
Abstract. The article studies the principles of constructing a primarily emotive slogan text in advertising. The main means of realizing expressive and emotive components in the German linguoculture at syntactic and graphemic levels are characterized. The authors analyse translation peculiarities of both expressive-emotional and allusive aspects of reaching the perlocution effect, specify the most efficient ways to preserve it in the target text. Scientific novelty of the study is in specifying the basic principles of conveying graphic derivates and other tools to express psycho-emotional illocution message of advertising text.
Key words and phrases: перевод, эмотивность, экспрессивность, трансляция компонентов смысла, медицинский дискурс, примарно-эмоциональная информация, translation, emotional breadth, expressiveness, sense components’ translation, medical discourse, primarily emotive information
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