Gizatullin Danil Eduardovich
Bashkir State University
Submitted: 31.03.2019
Abstract. The article deals with the problem of the lack of a detailed lexicographic portrait of the word "убить" (to kill) in the Russian language, and an attempt is made to compile it on the basis of textual material available in the main body of the Russian National Corpus. According to the study, the word "убить" in the Russian language has at least 12 clearly defined meanings that have different effects on the valences and tense-aspect paradigm of lexemes. The result is presented in the form of a lexicographic entry with analytical interpretations, examples, the description of valences and the tense-aspect paradigm.
Key words and phrases: лексикографический портрет, лексическая единица "убить", аналитическое толкование, деструктивная лексика, семантические валентности, лексикографическая статья, лексическая семантика, lexicographic portrait, lexical unit "убить" (to kill), analytical interpretation, destructive vocabulary, lexical valences, lexicographic entry, lexical semantics
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