Glembotskaya Yana Olegovna, Kuznetsov Il'ya Vladimirovich
Novosibirsk State Theatre Institute
Submitted: 07.03.2019
Abstract. The article analyses the genre peculiarity of A. S. Pushkin’s Petersburg narrative "The Bronze Horseman". Contributing to previous studies the authors have identified that in this narrative, Pushkin avoided naturalistic description of everyday life matters. According to the poet, description of everyday life has no artistic content, that’s why Pushkin made it dependent on the ode and vision genre forms. The poetical form of the narrative approaching it to a poem helped to achieve the effect. The paper points out that Gogol’s Petersburg narratives, contrary to "naturalistic school" of the 1840s, continue Pushkin’s tradition to sideline the description of everyday life matters.
Key words and phrases: "Медный всадник" Пушкина, повесть, многоголосие, ода, натурализм, видение, образ Петербурга, "The Bronze Horseman" by A. S. Pushkin, narrative, polyphony, ode, naturalism, vision, Petersburg image
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