Stepanova Yuliya Fagimovna
Omsk State Transport University
Submitted: 31.01.2019
Abstract. The article describes the results of the structural analysis of the English terms of railway power supply performed on the basis of L. B. Tkacheva’s classification. The findings have allowed the author to develop a more detailed understanding of simple terms and to identify grammatical formative models and structure of compound terms and terminological combinations, which, in its turn, has made it possible to classify them into categories and to analyse the typical features of railway power supply terminology. The paper focuses on studying and identifying the most productive term formative models.
Key words and phrases: термин, терминологическое сочетание, терминологическое сочетание связное, свободное и фразовое, терминоединица, сочетание, модель образования, компонент, term, terminological combination, bound, free and phrasal terminological combination, terminological unit, combination, formative model, component
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